Monday - Friday / 10 AM - 07 PM

Forensic Audit

Our team of Forensic examiners with a high degree of professional skeptics committed towards examination, evaluation & analysis of suspected financial & digital transaction to investigate that if any fraudulent activities have been occurred like diversion of fund, willful defaults, window dressing in financial statement etc.

How We Can Help ?

  • Evaluation of risk and assist top management / stakeholder / appointing authority identify, analyse any emerging risk to organisation operation and procedure.

  • We assist the authority by designing, planning investigation procedure, identify deceiver/scammer, quantify the losses, collect evidence for legal proceeding.

  • Advice on how to stop further occurrence of such type of scam / fraud.

  • Review of organisation records, background investigations, Interviews of person connected to such activities & employee, evaluation of evidence to identify possible fraud and inspection of business premises.

  • Analysis of every financial transactions or statements, review of business ledger to identify the fictitious vendors, employees, and / or business activities.